Tag: interview

All About Library Research: An Interview with Tracy Coyne

As Northwestern prepares to head back to school in September, we’re excited to interview Tracy Coyne, Distance Learning and Professional Studies Librarian! Below, Tracy shares the changes, trends, and challenges she’s witnessed over her many years of library experience, as well as what she believes the future of library research is today.  We’d love to start by hearing you describe your role in your own words. How long have you worked at Northwestern, and what led you to SPS / distance learning? I started working for NU Libraries in September 2009 as a reference intern while attending Dominican University here

The Many Hats of Online Education: An Interview with Leslie Fischer

In every job I have had, my job description varied depending on the day or the project or who was on my team. That holds true for being a Learning Designer as well, where I am project manager, trainer, researcher, collaborator, among other roles. Faculty developers take on additional roles in the course development process as well. Leslie Fischer is a 30 year teaching veteran at Northwestern University, teaching classes in literature, communication, research, and writing. She has embodied the role of teacher by embracing the interconnected roles of mentor, facilitator, creator, and learner. She is also a student in

Considering the Full Spectrum of Your Audience: An Interview with Terrill Thompson

Introduction What can be done to improve web accessibility practices? I spoke with Terrill Thompson, the chairperson for the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Technology Special Interest Group, to find out. In addition to his role with AHEAD, Thompson is a Technology Accessibility Specialist with DO-IT Accessible Technology Services at the University of Washington, leaders in the field of accessible technology and advocates for equity in technology. The theme of the next AHEAD conference is Equity and Excellence: Access in Higher Education. What does that mean to you? Thompson noted that disability is treated differently in higher education

Accommodating Adult Students – Perspectives from AccessibleNU

Learning Designer Krissy Wilson and Content Editor Christine Scherer asked Alison May, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of AccessibleNU, about the unique needs of adult students and the implications for online coursework. Dr. May has served AccessibleNU since 2007, and most of her work has focused on partnering with colleagues to raise awareness of disabilities as a form of diversity and to enhance web accessibility. What benefits do online courses afford students with disabilities? Online courses often have many accommodations built right in, Dr. May explained. In on-ground classes, a student might typically use an audio recording device or

Distance Learning Librarian Interview

Northwestern University has a vast library system, one that can seem overwhelming to students and faculty alike. Librarians are available to help navigate the NU libraries, and there’s a librarian who is dedicated to working with online faculty and students. Tracy Coyne fills this role as the current Distance Learning Librarian at Schaffner Library, where she has worked for over two years. We asked Tracy a few questions about her role as DL Librarian and the services and supports she provides.   SPS Distance Learning: Can you broadly describe what the Distance Learning Librarian does? TC: Overall, I am here