Category: Canvas

Add Quiz Questions to Canvas by Converting CSV Files to QTI ZIP Files

It can be time-consuming to add questions manually to a quiz or exam in Canvas, and it is easy to accidentally omit portions of a question, introduce errors such as typos, or improperly identify a correct or incorrect response. Drafting questions directly into Canvas can also be slow and unwieldy. If you’ve been writing your questions in a word processor, you have a long copy-and-paste session ahead of you before your quiz is available to students. When you have lots of quizzes, an extensive exam, or are planning to build question banks, it is more efficient to automate the process.

Contributing to the Canvas Community

Northwestern University Canvas users can use the Canvas Community site to: post ideas ask questions  participate with other members in groups and find and comment on guides Contributions can range in complexity and significance, but each active member helps increase the amount of opportunities for interaction, discovery, and learning. In this blog post, I will highlight a very simple activity that anyone who uses Canvas at Northwestern can do to interact with the Canvas Community: voting. I view the Canvas Community as a vast network made up of knowledge artifacts and relevant discourse. One of the pillars of the community is the “Share Ideas” section; the other