Tag: tips and tricks

Make It Stick!

How do you know that what you’re teaching is truly sticking with students? Do their test scores reveal it? Or does that only show that they remembered and recalled it for the exam? Do students leave you confident that they can apply skills and knowledge when they’ll really need it? One man with the answer to that question is Mark McDaniel, psychologist, researcher, professor, and co-author of the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning.   An expert in human learning and memory, McDaniel recently delivered his “Toolkit for Teachers to Improve Student Learning and Retention” at Northwestern’s

Ways to Use Panopto in Online Courses

Since Northwestern IT recently announced the launch of Panopto, the Office of Distance Learning has been working to evaluate uses of this Learning Technology. There are many simple ways to use Panopto in Online Courses and a few will be shared in this blog post. Use Panopto for sharing videos you’ve already made If you have a large video library, possibly in another video hosting platform or in your Canvas course, you can move those videos into Panopto to free up space in your course or gain more insights into how your students are engaging with your videos. Since Panopto

Podcast Your Content

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “I’m not a radio host! I don’t have an on air personality. I don’t have it in me to plan and record a weekly series.” All those things may be true. But those are not necessarily requirements for creating course content in podcast form. If you’re in the process of a course design or revision, then you are involved in a planning process, and planning is ninety percent of the project. And if you are already thinking to record a lecture or explanation of concepts on camera, it’s possible that a podcast will

Best Practices for Synchronous Sessions

Introduction You’ve built engagement into every corner of your online course. You’ve got ways for students to interact with you, the instructor, through video and audio, assignment feedback, and discussion posts. Students interact with each other in large group discussions and small group projects. Don’t stop there! Even with a robust engagement strategy in place, some students in online programs may still feel disconnected from their instructors. One way to combat this is through the use of synchronous sessions. I know what you’re thinking. How will working students have the time to join a sync session every week? It is

Scripts, Images, Action!: Creating Quality Videos for MUS 370

About the course revision process The MUSEUM 370 – Museum Origins and Issues course is one of three courses in the Museum Studies Online Certificate Program and the first to undergo a revision process. The revision of MUSEUM 370 included conversion of lecture content into combination of rich content pages, audio podcasts, and weekly overview videos hosted by the course instructor. Consistent use of visual aids to add value to weekly roadmap pages One of the goals of the improved information architecture of the course site included using consistent visual communication to provide reinforce the context of the course topics